Senior Football

Senior Coach:                                          Reserves Coach:

Dave Farrell                                              Matt Gorski

Ph: 0401 047 005                                               Ph: 0408 294 883

Nick Bourke                                              

Ph:  0458 553 894

U18 Coach:                                            Football Director:

Kelly Williams                                         Paul Sutton

Ph: 0421 847 881                                           Ph: 0438 129 270


Our Senior  Football program is built on the back of our playing and coaching group's collective committment to improving themselves on and off the football field. We have a wealth of knowledge from our coaching group that is being passed onto our players, which will make us a force to be reckoned with within the BFNL. 

In 2024, we are aiming to build on the many improvements of the season gone. With head coach, Dave Farrell, at the helm we hope to see our senior group move from strength to strength and develop as a playing group.

We are also incerdibly excited to welcome Nick Bourke to the club as a Senior Playing Co-Coach. we are beyond excited to see Nick's wealth of coaching and playing experience out on the field this year.